
5:19 PM 7 Comments A+ a-

I still haven't taken pictures of my Thanksgiving dress because I'm super lazy, so that will have to wait a few days. In the mean time, I thought I'd show you two tops I made a few weeks ago.

I, like most seamstresses, tend to make mostly dresses because, well, they're more fun... But I've been trying to up my separates game, especially when it comes to tops, so I have something to wear with slacks when it gets cold. Here are two steps in that direction...

First, I made a Pendrell! I'm going to be trite and reiterate what all the other bloggers have said, this pattern is fabulous! It was easy to put together and I really like the way it fits and looks. I finished the inside with french seams, which I know is crazytown on a princess seamed blouse but it worked out all right. It's made with a poly charmuese (sp?) from JoAnns.

So here's the problem... I didn't notice until it was already finished that I inserted the sleeves unevenly! Luckily you can't really tell because of the pattern, so I pointed it out for you. Yikes! Somehow they're even on the back but not on the front! I asked my co-workers if it was super obvious and they said they couldn't really tell so I'm going to ignore it, instead of ripping it all apart and re-doing it.

Next up is a tie-front blouse from the 10/2010 issue of Burda. This was made with yet another poly charmuese from JoAnns. Clearly I have an addiction to super difficult to work with fabric.

I think I like this blouse in theory more than in actuality. Even though I cut the tie smaller than the instructions called for, the slippery, heavy fabric is making the bow hang strangely. I think overall it's fine, but I don't love it the way I thought I would.

Despite the problems though, yay for new tops!


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December 5, 2011 at 6:44 PM delete

Both of your tops turned out wonderfully! I made something out of the same polka dot fabric, and I agree, it's not fun to work with. Yours turned out so cute though!

December 5, 2011 at 7:43 PM delete

I really love the spotted blouse and am surprised that you're not so happy with. Perhaps you haven't forgiven it for the pain it was to make?

J'Michael Myane
December 5, 2011 at 9:55 PM delete

you look beautiful baby!

December 5, 2011 at 10:21 PM delete

Ooo, I really like both tops! Can't even see the problem with the sleeves on the first one, so I wouldn't worry about it. The bow on the second one does look a little heavy, but I love the shape of the top and the fabric is lovely.

Good on you, moving to separates! I'm actually more the opposite. I do a lot of separates, and am moving more toward dresses. I've made a couple dresses in the last year, but I'm definitely more into the tops and jackets than anything else. But I'm working on an impractical but pretty dress right now! Actually, it was inspired by your blue Cynthia Rowley dress!

December 5, 2011 at 10:31 PM delete

Ooh, dear! I'm glad I'm not the only one! I made a pendrell with the same sleeve variation and I noticed (also after I had totally finished) that the sleeves were not even in the front. Super frustrating! But I am thinking that most really aren't that noticable. Both are super cute! Thanks for showing us!

Meg the Grand
December 12, 2011 at 11:30 AM delete

I adore these versions!! I did not even notice your Pendrell sleeves - the pattern totally pulls the eye away from that area. The bow blouse is divine, and I think the bow looks large and fabulous

December 13, 2011 at 8:01 PM delete

Very cute tops. I would have never noticed the sleeves being off if you hadn't pointed them out.

I've been trying to sew more tops, too, just to have more separates in my closet. Congrats on getting a couple done. They'll definitely help expand your wardrobe.
