You know you're obsessed with sewing when...
You stay up WAY past your bedtime watching
"The Couture Dress" with Susan Khalje on Craftsy, even though you have no plans to make the dress anytime soon...
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Miss Dibs first posted about this new Crafty course my interest was peaked, then when I saw
Frabjous Couture had a discount ($39.99 down from $79.99!) I made an impulse purchase. I'm so excited to watch the rest of this course! I had already planned on purchasing Gertie's new Sew Retro Jacket course (When is that coming out by the way? The suspense is killing me!), so it looks like Craftsy is getting my money twice this month! Budget be damned! Whatever, $40 is WAY cheaper than the $1,000 + her Couture Sewing School costs! Anybody else jumped on the Susan Khalje train yet?
Write commentsYep I have! Haven't had a chance to watch any of the clips yet (apart from a little bit in work with the sound down!! shh!) so I can't wait...I know what I'm doing this weekend!
ReplyI've signed up too. Planning on doing it soon as could use the techniques learned to do my wedding dress.
ReplyIm so temped !
ReplyI've watched all the videos already. Just waiting for my pattern to arrive :)
ReplyWhat a cool course! I'd never heard of it, but thanks for sharing!
lace, etc.