MMM Days 14 & 15
About halfway through the challenge! I have to say, the goal of wearing something different everyday this month is about to start getting difficult. I think I have about 4 more days worth of work clothes and a few more things to wear on the weekend. I'm definitely not going to make it all the way! I'm hoping that this will inspire me to refashion a bunch of items from the pile of thrift store finds I have since that's so much faster than making things from scratch!I also just realized I have nothing green and handmade to wear on St. Patrick's Day! I think I have a green dress somewhere in the thrift store pile so I'm hoping to find it and work something out by Thursday so I don't get pinched!
Anyway, here's Monday's outfit. The top is made from New Look 6705, view E, and the fabric is from Walmart. This fabric is definitely an example of the old adage "you get what you pay for". I think I paid $1 a yard and the fabric is already picking like crazy! The shirt overall is cute but it's kind of a tent so a belt is required and a cardigan for the March breezes. Because of this it's hard to see what the shirt actually looks like! Sorry! Suffice to say, it has a round yoke neckline and is sleeveless.
Looking at this picture I wish I would jump on the "make your own trousers" train that everyone in the sewing blog world seems to be on lately. I love these jeans from Forever 21, but it would be fun to make my own! Maybe after March I'll make an attempt...

Today's outfit is inspired by another one of my favorite shows, How I Met Your Mother, from the episode where Ted takes Stella on the two minute date. I made this skirt really early in my sewing "career" but didn't wear it that often. When I saw the episode, a new outfit was born and now it's one of my favorites for work!

The skirt is made from Butterick 5249 and a vintage glen plaid I stole from one of my aunt's fabric stashes. The skirt fits really well and I love the ruffle on the bottom. I really need to make another one of these!
Anyway, off to the mall to try on shoes since today was pay day! Hope you're having a great week!
Write commentsFabulous skirt! x