8 Weeks to a Better Me: Week 5
Week 5! Loved "loving myself" week! It really ended up mostly taking place in one night, but it was a glorious night of eating, bathing and "soaking in" (pun intended) a beautiful museum!
1) Take 2 bubble baths. Just made one but when you add Norah Jones and Vanity Fair, it's perfect!
2) Go to a museum. Visited the McNay Museum, which is an incredible museum in the home of a great San Antonio modern art lover, Marion Koogler McNay. It houses several Picasso's, Rivera's, O'Keefe's, Monet's, Renoir's, etc. And the house is GORGEOUS! Visit if you're in SA!
McNay Sculpture Garden
3) Cook myself a real meal. I made roasted chicken with potatoes and onions, green beans and bread and strawberry balsamic crumbles with vanilla ice cream!
Week 5 is about Loving Life and Having Fun! I'm definitely liking these weeks more than the work out and eat healthy weeks... I think I want to use this week to focus on my relationship and enjoy having the boy in the same town as me!
1) Send an "I'm thinking of you" text everyday. I used to send him a cheesy knock knock joke almost everyday but I've let it drop off, so whether it's a joke or just an "I miss you", he's getting one everyday!
2) Go on a fun, crazy date! Pretty self explanatory...
3) Take a cute picture! We used to take pictures all the time but I'm not sure why we stopped... I want an updated pic!
Happy Tuesday Shoesday!